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Yori Surface Base - Magnetic

Yori Surface Base


Yori Surface Base – Magnetic is a unique version of the Yori Surface Base. It is available in ø22mm, ø35mm and ø43mm sizes. The magnetic base makes it the ideal solution for metal surfaces like false ceilings, recessed compartments, or exposed beams. The magnetic base offers great freedom of placement, thanks also to the double cable exit (central and lateral) so you can move it along the surface, even when it is switched on. You can also separately get an accessory metal base to use it on non-metal surfaces.

Especificaciones y ventajas

  • Sizes: ø22mm, ø35mm, ø43mm
  • Remote driver
  • Control Systems: On/Off, Phase-cut, DALI, Dimm 1-10V and Bluetooth
  • Optics: Precision lens, Performance reflector
  • Power: from 2W to 12W
  • Lumen output up to 940lm
óptica orientable
Prueba de hilo incandescente 850 grados
Montaje sin herramientas
5 años de garantía
Riesgo fotobiológico 1
Magnetic fixing
Blanco mate gofrado (Standard)
Negro mate gofrado (Standard)
filtro/OFF/ON eliminar filtros
Diffusing screen
tipo de aro
LED CCT availability
Yori Spotlights
potencia (W)
temperatura (K)
Paquete Lumen
Haz de luz
grado IP